Contact the Society’s office for more information about and current availability of the educational and reference works which follow below. The Society’s e-mail and surface mail addresses, its telephone and fax numbers appear at the bottom of this page.
Reference Works
Annual Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution, containing the most recent reports of the Society’s officers, a current roster of members, and accounts of the Society’s activities.
2000 Proceedings
1999 Proceedings
1998 Proceedings
The Centennial Register of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution, containing a history of the Society from 1888 to 1988, an account of the 1988 Centennial Celebration, and comprehensive rosters of all members from the date of inception of the Society and all ancestors from whom the members derived eligibility; the Society has distributed more than 350 copies of this book to libraries and historical repositories in the Delaware Valley and nationally; additional copies remain available for purchase.
Educational Works
Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States
Beginning in 1967 and continuing at regular intervals to the present time, the Society and its Color Guard have distributed, without charge, more than 1,000,000 copies of vest-pocket size booklets containing the full texts of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States, and all subsequent Amendments to the Constitution. In 1998 a partnership was formed with the National Constitution Center for the printing and distribution of this booklet and during national Constitution Week 1998, observed from September 17 through 23, more than 200,000 copies of this booklet were distributed nation-wide. Copies of this booklet are available through the National Constitution Center.
Valley Forge- A Winter Encampment video, the official introductory presentation at the Vistors Center of Valley Forge National Historical Park; produced by the Society in 1973, edited and updated in 1982 and 1994; copies of the video are available for purchase from the Office of the General Society of Sons of the Revolution (212-425-1776).
Standards and Colors of the American Revolution, for reference purposes only; published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in 1982, but now out of print.
Biographical Dictionary Project of Early Pennsylvania Legislators Beginning
in 1986 and continuing to the present time, the Society and its Color Guard have supported this scholarly, multi-volume project. A team of professional historians, housed at Temple University, are researching and writing the biographies of more than 1,000 of Pennsylvania’s founders, as well as critical essays on Pennsylvania state government and politics in the Colonial, Revolutionary, and Early National periods. A brief description of volumes one and two of Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania and plans for volume three were set forth in a recent announcement of Project Director Craig W. Horle, thanking the Society and its Color Guard for becoming a sponsoring organization of volume three.
Copies of volumes one and two may be purchased by contacting the University of Pennsylvania Press at (800) 445-9880 or (215) 898-6261, by faxing your order to (410) 516-6998, or by mailing your order to the University of Pennsylvania Press, P.O. Box 4836, Hampden Station, Baltimore, MD 21211. Additional information on this extraordinary work-in-progress and on the biographies of Pennsylvania legislators who served in the period to be covered by volume three, 1757-1780, may be obtained by contacting the Biographical Dictionary Project directly.
Monograph Series of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania
In 1991 the Society and its Color Guard were instrumental in the formation of the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Hereditary and Genealogical Societies, which sought to strengthen access to the historical collections of the Philadelphia City Archives. The Consortium raised funds from among its member organizations, hired a project archivist, and developed a work plan which came to be known as the Colonial Land Records Indexing Project. The Consortium assigned the project archivist, James M. Duffin, the task of abstracting specific elements of information from four different collections of 17th and 18th century records and preparing these guides for publication. Mr. Duffin completed his work in December 1994. That same month the Society and its Color Guard entered into partnership with the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania to publish Mr. Duffin’s results.
The Publications Committee of the Genealogical Society established a new title of publications, the Monograph Series, to distinguish these works from its other compiled sources of Colonial and early National American history. Monograph Series no. 1, Guide to the Mortgages of the General Loan Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1724 – 1756, appeared in 1995 and no. 2, Guide to Records of the Sale of Commonwealth Property in the County of Philadelphia, 1780 – 1798, appeared in 1996. The Society distributed 200 copies of both volumes to libraries and historical repositories throughout the Delaware Valley. Both remain available for purchase through the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania.
The third volume, Guide to the Philadelphia Exemplication Record Series, being True Copies of Philadelphia County Land Records in the Master of Rolls Office and its successors, 1669 – 1838, was the largest of the three and was published in limited numbers as a 460-page spiral-bound book. Reference copies are available at the Philadelphia City Archives, 3101 Market Street, Philadelphia; the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, 1305 Locust Street, Philadelphia; and at the office of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution, as noted below.
The Surprise of Germantown, or The Battle of Cliveden: October 4th, 1777
In 1990 the Society directed a gift to Cliveden of the National Trust for Historic Preservation to purchase hardware and software appropriate for desktop publishing. Four years later, military historian and Revolutionary War reenactor Thomas J. McGuire completed and Cliveden published The Surprise of Germantown, or the Battle of Cliveden, October 4th, 1777, the definitive account of the American loss which drove the Continental Army to Valley Forge for the harsh winter of 1777-1778. In 1995 the Society’s American Heritage Committee purchased 150 copies of this book and distributed them, free of charge, to libraries and historical repositories in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Copies of this book remain available for purchase from Cliveden.
Fort Mifflin of Philadelphia: An Illustrated History
In 1998 the University of Pennsylvania Press published Professor Jeffrey M. Dorwart’s comprehensive history of the 18th century military base which served as Philadelphia’s first line of defense against invasion by sea. It was at Fort Mifflin that the British and the Americans fought in 1777 for control of the Delaware River. Beginning in the 1960s, when the City of Philadelphia took administrative control of Fort Mifflin, and continuing to the present time, the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution and its Color Guard have supported the restoration and interpretation of this National Historic Landmark. The Society’s American Heritage Committee has been pleased to purchase 150 copies of this book and distribute them, free of charge, to libraries and historical repositories throughout the Delaware Valley. Fort Mifflin of Philadelphia is available for purchase from Fort Mifflin or the University of Pennsylvania Press. ADDRESS OF THE SOCIETY Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution North American Building 121 S Broad St, Suite 1910 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: (215) 545-1888 Fax: (215) 545-1777 E-mail: [email protected]